Drug Database
- 40,000 of the most commonly used Prescription Drugs, Over-the-Counter Drugs and Herbal medications.
- Interface to National Drug Code (NDC) for about 10,000 NDC coded Drugs.
- Drug-Drug Interactions.
- Drug-Disease Interactions (Contraindications, Precautions).
- Side Effects.
- Symptomatic Side Effects*.
- Organ Specific Side Effects.
- Drug Allergies.
- Predictive System Identifying Drug Risks Not Found in Literature.
- Patient Focused Drug Monographs for Frequently Prescribed Drugs*.
- Drug Interaction Optimization*.
- Drug Disease Optimization*.
- Drug Side Effect Optimization*.
- Drug Allergy Optimization.
Medical Calculators
- Tree analysis tools used every day by clinicians.
- More than 500 calculators and Decision trees.
Some of them are:
- Body Mass Index.
- Digitalis Body Load.
- Anion Gap.
- Creatinine clearance.
- Body surface area.
- Coronary heart disease calculator.
- Osmolor Clearance.
- Oxygen Content of Arterial Blood.
- Renal Failure Index.
- Apgar Score.
- Atrial Fibrillation Five Year Risk of Stroke or Death.
- Bacterial Meningitis Score for Children.
- Diabetes screening tree calc.
- Epsworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS).
- Glasgow Coma Scale.
- Osteoporosis Risk Assessment Index (ORAI).
- Panic Disorder Screener.
- A-a Gradient.
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